Latest News

New Mentor-Mentee Program!!!

For the first time, we are officially kicking off a mentor-mentee program. The goal of this program is to 1) connect undergraduate students to each other, and 2) provide underclassmen with a more personal level of support throughout the semester. Mentors and mentees will meet with each other at least two times a semester. These meetings will serve as sessions where mentees can receive advice from their mentor in a small and casual group setting.

If you are interested in being a mentor (must be a sophomore, junior, or senior), please sign up here! We only require you to meet with your mentees twice a semester, so this is a great way to become more involved in the Statistics community at Duke while not having to commit heavy amounts of time!

If you are interested in being a mentee (must be a first year or sophomore), please sign up here.

Both forms will close September 10th. If you have any questions, please direct them to!

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