Duke Biomedical Engineering Society Graduate Section

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The goal of the chapter is to provide meaningful ways for students to pursue their interests in biomedical engineering and give access to opportunities that can enhance their academic and professional experiences. This includes mentorship from faculty, alumni, and current students. Our mission aligns with that of the National BMES to "promote and enhance knowledge and education in biomedical engineering and bioengineering worldwide and its utilization for human health and well-being." We promote and facilitate collaborations through an annual on-campus BMES conference, alumni events, poster sessions, and networking events, in order to create a tight-knit Biomedical Engineering community at Duke University. We also maintain close ties to the National BMES with increasing membership and high participation in the National, Local, and Special Topic BMES Meetings.









Members Benefits

Membership benefits include (define your member benefits under group settings)

Events & Activities

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Exclusive Resources

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Our Team

Elizabeth Bucholz Profile

Elizabeth Bucholz

Advisor (Faculty/Staff)
Parul Sirohi Profile

Parul Sirohi

Emily Roe Profile

Emily Roe


E: bmes.duke@gmail.com

Duke Biomedical Engineering Society Graduate Section

Durham NC 27708
United States